Thursday, May 17, 2012

Never Let Me Down...

When it comes to being true, at least true to me
One thing I found,one thing I found
Oh no you'll neva let me down

Faith (n.) a confidence or trust in a person or entity, a belief that is not based on proof.
Trust (n.) the reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc. of a person or thing; confidence.
There is no coincidence how these words may be similar in meaning, each relying on the notion of confidence to reinforce a true belief in something. 
Most of us, even at an early age, are taught this concept with the belief that both virtues should be afforded to not only our preferred religion but to our fellow man as well.  To the God we serve (Christians, that is), our faith and trust should be a declaration of our unwavering commitment as a testament to the sacrificial surrender of Jesus to the cross as atonement for our sinful nature.
The ultimate debt had been paid and in return, it was man’s duty to place faith and trust in the promise that our obedience will not only be rewarded in this life but the one hereafter.  Belief that all things practical and that of the miraculous sense are possible if we place our love an allegiance in HIM signifies our need to be connected to something bigger than ourselves.  We may never be able to physically see the face of our CREATOR, but we are built to believe that making a commitment to give honor and praise to HIM begets positive results—evident in what we perceive as blessings for listening to HIS word and testament and applying those principles to everyday living.
Our faith and trust in the belief that we are constantly kept in God’s grace is seems to be challenged every hour on the hour.  No matter how small the tribulation, it is safe to say that our ability to worry is more consistent than our ability to “be still and know” that no matter the trouble, we are protected from the spirit of fear of the unknown by an amazing POWER that we may never completely comprehend. 
Even in our darkest hour, when our resolve is at its lowest, that POWER is manifested in human form by our decision to take even the smallest grain of faith and trust that the same propensity we have for worrying ourselves into a state of sickness can be transformed into a means of overcoming adversity.

Is it a blessing???  Absolutely
Can it be considered a talent???  Sure, especially when we display a knack for “getting up to get down.”
The evidence of the relationship between faith and trust are plastered throughout the books of history, depicted in accounts of triumph in the face of despair.  Movements, rallies, calls to action that defied oppressive measures both internally and externally –only to be quelled by our ability to believe in the POWER.
No, we may not end up as some celebrated catalyst of change that impacts the way more than 7 billion people think and live; but if it only impacts one, then a REAL breakthrough has been made.

Our ability to overcome any situation through a belief in someone, something bigger than we can imagine, should be the only evidence necessary to realize that “let downs” inspire us to “get up to get down.”
Kanye West’s “Never Let Me Down” bests describes the notion that the God in me works to speak to the God in you through positive thought, in spite of shortcomings that are public and easy to judge (both voluntary and involuntary).  There’s a poem quoted near the end of song by a young writer who goes by the name J. Ivy that bests describes the unlimited POWER of faith/trust, challenging the idea of giving up and giving in—and replacing it with the ability to believe.

We are all here for a reason on a particular path
You don't need a curriculum to know that you are part of the math
Cats think I'm delirious, but I'm so d--- serious
That's why I expose my soul to the globe, the world
I'm trying to make it better for these little boys and girls
I'm not just another individual, my spirit is a part of this
That's why I get spiritual, but I get my hymns from Him
So it's not me, it's He that's lyrical
I'm not a miracle, I'm a heaven-sent instrument
My rhythmatic regimen navigates melodic notes for your soul and your mental
That's why I'm instrumental
Vibrations is what I'm into
Yeah, I need my loot by rent day
But that is not what gives me the heart of Kunte Kinte
I'm tryina give us "us free" like Cinque
I can't stop, that's why I'm hot
Determination, dedication, motivation
I'm talking to you, my many inspirations
When I say I can't, let you or self down
If I were of the highest cliff, on the highest riff
And you slipped off the side and clinched on to your life in my grip
I would never, ever let you down
And when these words are found
Let it been known that God's penmanship has been signed with a language called love
That's why my breath is felt by the deaf
And why my words are heard and confined to the ears of the blind
I, too, dream in color and in rhyme
So I guess I'm one of a kind in a full house
Cuz whenever I open my heart, my soul, or my mouth
A touch of God reigns out

- R.E.A.L.

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